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IAAF-NIE/NTU Chief Coach Youth Academy in Singapore

Physical Education and Sports Science hosted the IAAF-NIE/NTU Chief Coach Youth Academy course from 9 to 14 October 2017 at the Physical Education and Sports Science, National Institute of Education. This was a joint collaboration between International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) together with the IAAF Regional Development Center (RDC) Jakarta and PESS/NIE/NTU. It was the first time that this kind of course was hosted by an Asian country. It is a prestigious workshop conducted and it is the highest workshop for capacity building of Elite International Coaches. There were international lecturers – Gunter Lange, Wolfgang Killing, Ria Lumintuarso, Ekkawit Sawangphol and our own SAA Technical Director, Volker Herrmann and NIE lecturers, Dr. Bala, Dr. Burns, Dr. Swarup, Dr. Tiago, Mr. Azhar, Dr. Browne and Dr. Masato.

This prestigious IAAF-NIE/NTU Chief Coach Youth Academy for elite international coaches was conducted in Singapore and organised by SAA Vice President for Training and Selection with his two staff Ms. Yow Chea Nuan and Ms. Ng Yew Cheo. Coincidentally they are all Cougars and were honoured to have been given the opportunity to assist.

Other Cougars who helped out are Vice-President Competitions Organising, Miss Peggy Boey; Vice-President Training Selection, Mr. Kirtiranjiv; and Committee Member, Mr. Hemasagjiv.

Organised by IAAF - Mr. Gunter Lange, IAAF Regional Development Center (RDC) - Mr. Ria and Mrs. Riastuti and NIE/NTU. The very first IAAF-NIE/NTU Chief Coach Youth Academy in Singapore with international coaches and lecturers. Cougars were glad to be part of the organisation too.

Bringing our guest, Mr. Gunter Lange, Senior Manager, IAAF Development Department, out for delicious seafood dinner!

Farewell meal for Mr. Gunter with Cougars. Very honoured to have such a golden opportunity to be learning so much from the world expert in Track and Field.

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