Cougars Cross Country 2019 Update
Note that there is a change in the date of our Cougars Cross Country!
IMPORTANT Note: Only top 10 timings and positions of each category will be recorded and posted.
Date/ Day: 20 July 2019 / Saturday
Reporting Time: 7.15am
First flag off: 8.15am
Venue: Bedok Reservoir
Early bird Registration (till 31 May 19): $20
Normal Registration: $25
Additional Event Phiten T-Shirt: $20 (Design will be out soon!)
Race Categories:
U10 Girls and Boys: 800m
U12 Girls and Boys: 1.6km
U14 Boys: 4.3km
U14 Girls: 3.6km
U20 Girls and Boys: 4.3km
Open Women and Men: 8.65km
Late collection of number tags: 20 July from 7.15am to 7.30am.
First flag-off timing for Men's and Women's Open category: 8.15am
Mode of payment:
1) Cash
2) Cheque payable to 'Cougars Athletic Association'
3) e-invoice to 'Cougars Athletic Association' (mainly for schools)
4) Internet banking to UOB Bank account: 341-307-500-7 (please take a snapshot of receipt and email it to us for confirmation)
* Attractive cash prizes to be won for the top 3 winners of each category (except U10)!
* Lucky draw prizes to be won at the end of the race!
Download and fill in the registration form. Please email the completed form to the Secretary @